

You can call me K. I’m a gun enthusiast from Atlanta, Georgia. I love all sorts of firearms and head out to the range anytime there’s an opportunity. From my love of shooting, and finding new ranges, I decided to create a resource for fellow enthusiasts – to locate new and interesting ranges. Perhaps just around the corner where you live, but haven’t heard of yet. Or, just a bit farther, but worth the drive.

Hope you are able to discover new, exciting ranges and are able to check them out.

However, do be faithful to your local range. They depend on folks like you. But, every now and then, it’s good to checkout a new place.

To the range owners.

If you are listed here and have any questions, please reach out to me.

If you are not listed here and would like to be, please let me know.

Thanks for checking out the Best Gun Ranges.